Friday 6 July 2007

Welcome one, welcome all

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the inaugural blog from Views from a bar.

Disappointingly, however, I don't have anything particularly insightful to say today. It's Friday, I am tired, not too agitated about anything in particular but thought I should at least type something here in order to acknowledge the limited amount of effort I went to to create this blog page.

The urge to to start this blog really came from the fact that I have to write a blog as part of my 'real' job and there are some limitations to what I can and can't say when blogging for The Company. I can't swear, for example. Now anyone who has spent anytime in Ireland will know that swearing is a national pastime. There are wall-to-wall "shits", "fucks", "pricks", "gee-bags" and other words for female genitalia that I am not too comfortable saying (no, it's not vagina.) - and that's just from the women.

So here, in the bar, I have the ability to swear as much as I want to. But I won't do it that much. I have learnt restraint in my old age and my mum might be reading this.

How ye, you old bitch?

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